Midi keyboard input seems not to recognize key release.

• Apr 4, 2021 - 05:16

I just started using MuseScore. I plugged my keyboard into my computer, turned on the keyboard, then started the program. When I select midi input, click on the rest in the measure I want my note to go, and then click N (note entry is set to step-time default), all of my individual notes are entered into a single chord.

I think the problem might be that the program is having trouble telling when I release a key on the keyboard. Any suggestions?

If it helps, I have a Casio Privia PX-160 and a Windows 10 machine. Thanks!


For some reason, it seems there are cases where the release is not detected properly. I've always suspect it's the different between a true note off message being sent versus a note on with velocity 0, but supposedly either works. If your keyboard has the ability to switch from one to the other method, you could try that.

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