What MuseScore font allows me to write A-7, C-7, G-7, etc. for minor 7th chords? I am trying to use MuseJazz font but it keeps defaulting to Ami7. I hate that notation for jazz chords!!

• Apr 18, 2021 - 00:07

What font allows me to write A-7, C-7, G-7, etc.? I am trying to use MuseJazz font but it keeps defaulting to Ami7 when I write A-7. It didn't do that on MuseScore2. I hate that Ami7 notation for jazz chords!!


See my other response. I'm not sure how old your version of MuseScore is, but no version from the past 6 years at least would do that. Type "-", get "-" if that's the style you prefer,

Either your version of MuseScore is very old, or you are using a template or editing a score created with an old version? Or you have chosen to load a custom XML file and for whatever reason chose one of the old MuseScore 1 files? Those are provided only for compatibility for people needing to edit MuseScore 1 scores. There is no reason to use those any more. Simply select Standard or Jazz style using the radio buttons in the Format / Style / Chord Symbols dialog.

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