How do I keep my rehearsal mark from snapping to the first line?

• Apr 23, 2021 - 21:43

I'm new to Muse Score and I'm trying to create a composition for accordion using three lines. The rehearsal marks I'm creating refer to push/pull on the bellows. I'm trying to create a rehearsal mark and drag it into the second line, as in the first screen shot. But the mark automatically snaps to the upper line as seen in the second screenshot. How do I prevent this?

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Screenshot (344).png 182.26 KB
Screenshot (345).png 180.32 KB


Rehearsal marks by their very nature go to the top of a system. If you have some other sort of text you want on each staff, then it's not a rehearsal mark, but something else, like staff text. You're welcome to use the Inspector to put a box around or make it bold or do whatever else it is you want to do that is making you want to use rehearsal marks for this in the first place. But rehearsal marks are designed to act like rehearsal marks, so if you want it to act like staff tex,t then simply add it as staff text, then change its appearance.

In reply to by ironbiscuit

If you want it under the first symbol, does that mean you want it attached to the 1st symbols, or is what you really want it to be above the 1st symbobol in the 2nd staff?
If the latter see above, if the former add a staff text to the top staff and in addition to changing it to bold and with a frame, set it to be below staff (like you did with the rehearsal mark)

In reply to by ironbiscuit

To be perectly clear: you added rehearsal marks. Don't. Add staff text instead. Its not about settings, it's about having added the wrong type of object. Instead of Ctrl_M to add rehearsal mark, use Ctrl+T to add staff text. Or, if using the palette, click the "Staff Text" instead of the "B1".

So you need to delete any rehearsal marks you added and instead add staff text. And then as I said earlier, if you happen to want the frame around the text, use the Inspector to add it. If this partiocular symbol is one you use often, set it up then Ctrl+Shift+Drag it to your palette for easy reuse.

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