not converting correctly

• May 22, 2021 - 14:22

When i try to convert a pdf of a music piece, the sixteenth notes all become quarter notes. is there a way to fix this or can i use a different service for it?


Yes, that is, as you rightly mentioned,, while this here is musescore,org

It is an experimental service that under the covers uses Audiveris. You may get better results by using that directly instead.

There are also commercial programs that can attempt the conversion. But note, this sort of AI technology is still in its infancy, you will generally find any program produces enough errors that it is faster to enter the music normally than to try to find and correct all the errors. Especially if you're not already an expert user of MuseScore - it's almost always way hard to correct a badly converted measure than to just enter it from scratch.

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