newElement(Element.NOTE) crashes Musescore 3.2.3 on Ubuntu

• May 24, 2021 - 16:40

I'm writing a plugin creates a Score with all forms of a PitchClass Seqeunce (Row, etc.).
It works if I create notes using cursor.addNote(pitch), but if I try to create a Note Element, MuseScore crashes.
I've been able to isolate the crash to the statement which creates the Element:
var newNote = newElement(Element.NOTE)
I'm running MuseScore 3.2.3 on Ubuntu. I could also try it on a Mac and post an update.
Here's the functions which generates the score, which otherwise works when calliong addNote(pitch).
Any ideas would be much appreciated.

function generateTTOScore() {
var myScore = newScore("TTOs", "Paul M", 24)
myScore.addText("title", "TTOs")
var pcMod = 12
var multipliers = [ 1, 11, 7, 5]
//var row = [ 0, 11, 1, 2, 10, 8, 5, 3, 9, 4, 7, 6 ]
var row = getSequenceFromText( pcSeqTextArea.text )
var baseTimeSig = newElement(Element.TIMESIG)
baseTimeSig.timesig = fraction( row.length, 4 )
baseTimeSig.visible = false
var oCursor = myScore.newCursor()
oCursor.setDuration(1, 4)
//var index = 0
for (var multIndex = 0; multIndex < multipliers.length; multIndex++) {
for (var transIndex = 0; transIndex < pcMod; transIndex++) {
var elText = newElement(Element.STAFF_TEXT);
var transformationString = "T" + transIndex
var multString = ""
if (multIndex == 5 || multIndex == 7) {
multString = "M" + multIndex
if (multIndex == 11) {
multString = "I"
transformationString = transformationString + multString
elText.text = transformationString
for (var rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < row.length; rowIndex++) {
var pitch = ((row[rowIndex] + transIndex) * multipliers[multIndex]) % pcMod
if ( pitch < 3 ) {
pitch += 12
if ( rowIndex == 0) {
elText.placement = Placement.ABOVE;
elText.autoplace = false;
/* creating a new Note with newElement crashes Musescore /

var newNote = newElement(Element.NOTE)
newNote.pitch = pitch + 60
newNote.noteType = NoteType.NORMAL
newNote.tpc1 = lookupTpc(pitch)
newNote.tpc2 = lookupTpc(pitch)
if ( newNote.accidental == null) {
newNote.accidentalType = Accidental.NATURAL
oCursor.addNote(pitch + 60, true)


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you-- I'm trying that in an AppImage right now. Im the 3.6.2 version, I'm seeing this error:
"TypeError: Property 'parseInt' of object function() { [code] } is not a function" on this line:
const pc = Number.parseInt(pcArray[index]) % 12

It's baffling me, since it seems to be a simple Javascript function:…

I tried adding the radix as per the documentation:
const pc = Number.parseInt(pcArray[index], 10) % 12

I'll continue to hunt that down, as the same line worked in 3.2.3. I'd prefer not to write my own parseInt, but might have to.



I am not sure, You can add note that way.

If I am not wrong, you can add(note) to chords chord.add(note), but you need to have chord element first.

I will check source code.

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