Temp Change

• May 26, 2021 - 13:47

I´ve got a score which slows down at the end. Even though I have utilised the TempoChanges plugin it´s not having any effect. All I want is a delay before the last chord is played. Can anyone help me?

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Maratime BB Arrangement.mscz 323.05 KB


Not entirely sure what you're after exactly, but there are no tempo change elements at all in that score. Aside from the fact that a ritenuto on just a single note and rest makes not too much sense anyhow.

You're likely better of using a breath or a fermata and set their corresponding properties. For the breath that would be the "pause" duration, for the fermata it would mean setting the "time stretch" to something above 1

In reply to by Peter O Mara

A fermata on that rest would make sense though. But I'm guessing now since you've mentioned the chord symbol that actually all written out notes are already played correctly, with the rest following them and you'd like the chord symbol to not sound until the end of the measure as well?

Try the following, select the chord symbol (the C7sus) and then in the inspector(F8) change the duration for it from the default of "till next chord symbol" to be just "chord/rest duration" instead. Make sure to do this for both the top/bottom stave chords.

EDIT: but if you for some reason do wish to use a breath marking instead; it can be found in the "breaths & pauses" palette. Click on the rest, then click on the breath marking (floating comma). You can then set a pause for it in seconds using the inspector.

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