Drop D Tablature - Display Problems - Please fix :-)

• Jun 9, 2021 - 15:16


I think I found a bug.

I have successfully changed the tuning on a guitar and tablature staff so that I am in dropped D (6 string is D2 open), but when I enter notes on the 6th string (in standard notation) other than the open D, the tab displays the notes on the first string.

See screen grab.

Thank you - I hope this is addressed in your next update!

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2021-06-09 at 16.16.13.png 28.87 KB


In reply to by cadiz1

Many Many thanks, that solved it. That is quite a bizarro little feature.
I thought ticking it would mean something along the lines of "yes it's irregular, but that's what I mean."

A super fix would be right on this box shown - something like "chances are you don't need to tick this open box, it may y=ield unexpected results."

Big thank you!

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