Musescore 2

• Jun 24, 2021 - 19:05

I will gladly pay to get a copy of Musescore 2. I have a new computer and I couldn't get my old copy of the program to move over. I don't like Version 3. I have tried it several times and it keeps locking up on me, plus it's cumbersome compared to Version 2. Please please please can anyone get me a copy of the old program? Please?


Have you tried the current version on the new computer? Whatever hardware incompatibility your old one might have had that caused the lockups presumably won't exist with the new one. And while it might take a few minutes to get used to a couple of small changes, it's objectively many many times faster and more efficient. If you explain what specifically you are having trouble with, we're happy to help!

I do same thing last week . Use the link of "underquack" under for the "release", choose the one you want, I take MS 2.3.2 I'm on Windows.10 with the first try, it doesn' t work, so I re-try, you get a compressed file, you must de-compressed it, and after, clik on the file named "bin" and it's done

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