Extra half rests

• Jun 26, 2021 - 17:59

There is an extra half rest that resides above part 3 on a 4 part piece in between the treble and bass clefs. I try to move them, I can't get rid of these rests and they serve no purpose. How do I get rid of them?

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Those look to be measure rests, not half rests. Hard to say for sure form just a picture - attaching the actual score is better - but my guess is that you made the common mistake of using voices 3 & 4 rather than 1 & 2 for this staff. Each staff needs to starts with 1 & 2, not just the top staff.

half rests won't 'hang' from a staff line, but sit atop them. So this are either full rests or full measure rests.
And probably the result of using voices wrongly, you should start with voice 1 in every staff.

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