Connecting RolandF-140 Digital Piano to play and have notated in MuseScore 3.6

• Jun 28, 2021 - 05:06

I have a Roland F-140R digital piano that is connected to my computer. I have MuseScore 3.6 on my computer.
I will like to play a song on my piano and have the notation appear in MuseScore. How do I make this happen?
Right now I can't see if the piano and your app are even connected. I have researched your tutorials but the steps provided are asking me to select options that appear not to exist on my app's version.
May I please contact a technician to speak in person?


FYI, MuseScore is free and open source, created and supported here by volunteers - there is no paid one-on-one support option. When tutorial are you look at, and which options are you not seeing? If you connected and turned on the keyboard first, it should show in Edit / Preferences / I/O without needing to do anything special, and then note inpiut should work as described in the Handbook - go to note nout mode, select a duration, play a note, see it show up.

Note that if you are expecting to simply play music normally and have MuseScore figure out how to notate all the rhythms and which hand played what, that isn't actually possible.

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