Chinese erhu

• Sep 4, 2014 - 21:42

Just looked at the long list of ethnic instruments in version 2, but no Chinese erhu. Only, a casual suggestion - maybe it's too difficult to include.


It's not a question of difficulty. An instrument as ar as MuseScore is concerned is just a name and information abotu what the default clef should, whether it transposes, etc. That takes a few seconds to add. But if you were expecting the *sound* of ay givenn instrument, that's a question of the soundfont you use. MuseScore by default supports only General MIDI soundfonts, and that instrument is not defined by General MIDI. So you'd need to find a specialized soundfont that incldued that instrument.

Meanwhile, you could just create a violin track and change the name to "Erhu" and it will be the same as if MuseScore supported it directly - again, to MuseScore, an instrument is just a name & clef. And then maybe file an "official" feature request via the Issue Tracker (as opposed to the forum) to have it included.

Hi Jonga :)

If you post details about range, clefs used and any other details about this instrument (do I gather that it's a Chinese ethnic violin?). Then I will add it to the instrument list.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Thanks for the replies. I’m no expert, but I think traditional notation is in Chinese and quite different from a Western musical stave (, so I suppose all I want really is the sound font, so that it plays from a Western stave. I see there is a post regarding a plugin (, but maybe it could be incorporated into the main instrument lists.

In reply to by jonga

No, no such thing as a different stave in the wikipedia page you listed. Maybe you are talking about the numbered / Rousseau notation I guess? And I think the difference is in the tuning of the instrument. I am no expert for that, but I heard that the F and B are tuned 50cents higher and lower respectively, so perhaps you can work with the tuning setting....

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