Clef lines sizing

• Jul 4, 2021 - 22:42

Hi, how does musescore make the clefs larger or smaller -- as is 140% or 80% as opposed to the default 100%?


Does musescore have a tool to enlarge and spaces between the lines on clefs. Having larger clefs (and notes and fingerings, etc.) is easier for young children to read. This music would be for beginning students. It is helpful for a larger clefs with concomitant larger notes for easy pieces rather than normal size clefs and notes as in much advanced music or popular sheet music. Also for the second level books, smaller clefs are helpful for warm-up exercises above the solo piece.

It sounds like you are referring to the entire staff and everything, not just the clefs. Assuming so - you just want larger print music for children - then as mentioned, Format / Page Settings is where you control the size of the staff space, which in turn controls the scaling of everything else.

If you literally mean you want over-sized clefs on an otherwise normal-sized staff, that could be possible with some workaround, but that would not be normal at all in children's music - it would be more something for some sort of experimental new music notation. if that's what you mean, though, feel free to show a published example.

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