Corrupted Score File

• Aug 15, 2021 - 10:49

I´m having a problem with a corrupted score file. Even when I fix the measures and save the file upon reopening the file the same corrupt measures are still there. The only way I could get the file to open normally was by deleting the notes in the corrupt measures, which of course is not a solution. I also copied all the data to an empty song which worked BUT that would mean I would have to re-enter all the rehearsal marks and also redo the layout for each instrument. This would take some hours so I´m trying to avoid that option. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Attachment Size
Celebration Corrupted.mscz 339.28 KB


See, repaired score: Celebration 2.mscz
(i.e. : First, delete Sax Alto 1 part -> In main score, in measures 266/268/254, change the dotted half rest for a "simple" half rest -> Recreate now Sax Alto 1 part)
Of course, if you have some clues about the presence of these inexpected dotted half rests in these three measures, please tell to us)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hmmm...first I deleted the notes in the measure so that it displayed a full measure rest in 4/4. Then I added the correct notes and saved the file. Upon reopening the original corruption was still there. Strange! I also tried writing any notes to the 4/4 bar and saving but the original corruption returned upon reopening, as if it had a memory of the previous file.

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