Transposing a song to another key

• Aug 19, 2021 - 23:30

HI.....brand new to Musescore! - I found a song I like, Moonlight Sonata, 1st Movement for viola and piano. LOVE it but 4 sharps are very hard for me to play. The emblem at the top of the screen said to download an ap using google to help with transposing, but when downloaded it and opened on my mobile, it doesn't give me a clue on how to transpose this song. Are some songs just not transposable?? The caption for the emblem said "you can transpose to any key" Hmmmmmm, can anyone help?



Are you talkng about the MuseScore mobile app that accompanies the score sharing website Support for that is over there on that website ( This site here - - is for support of the free & open source music notation program MuseScore that runs on your computer, not your mobile device. If you have installed that, then you can simply open your score and use Tools / Transpose to transpose it to whatever key you like.

But realize, a complex piece like that is going to be difficult no matter what key you transpose it to, because there will be about as many accidentals to deal with either way. So you might find it better in the long run to simply learn it in the original key, and the bonus is you'll get that much better at reading as well!

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