
• Aug 28, 2021 - 19:10

When I go to the style menu I change the musical symbols font and musical text font to Musejazz but it only changes the symbols font. It says Musejazz text is selected but it still looks like the default font. I can select the text individually and change it but that would take way too long. How can I make it so it changes all of the text?


The Musical Text font is not the plain text font used for like lyrics and staff text, but the one used for Tempo text for exampls, thtse qurter note symbol in that.

Instead of starting with a score that was set up using the default fonts then changing them, much better to just start with one of the Jazz templates that are already set up with MuseJazz for all relevant text styles, also other useful settings like winged repeats, Jazz style chord symbols, etc.

If you have an existing score you want to convert over, you can use Format / Style to load an MSS file containing the style settings. So for instance, create a new score using the Jazz Lead Sheet template or whatever, then customize what you want from there, then use Format / Save Style to save those style settings for later reuse.

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