MDL Snare Drums playback bugging out

• Aug 28, 2021 - 23:21

So I've been experiencing this for a while, but mostly to a "not bad enough" level. Whenever I put like 16ths at 160 or something like that, the playback starts adding random accents, skipping some notes, not playing dynamics and articulations as written, slowing down/speeding up, etc.

This has gone to a whole new level with the snare lick I'm currently working on, which also include 32nds, 28ths (7-lets), 24s (6-lets), and 20s (5-lets) to the point where I don't really hear rhythms, its more of a jumble.

I tried restarting Musescore and my computer a couple of times, closing out other apps, and exporting the audio and seeing if it was only playback and it still didn't work.

The score that I am attaching has the lick first on MDL Snare Line A, then MDL Tenor Line, then MDL Snare. I have tried all the instruments, the A sound is pretty much the same as the normal sound. Ironically, the MDL Tenor Line rep sounds almost perfect, and the MDL Snare is also very good (unfortunately the sound is pretty unrealistic and the buzzes don't work), but Snare Line A just is buggy.

I'd really appreciate any help with this!

Attachment Size
Snare drum not working.mscz 35.29 KB

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