Is there such a function (about music box music)

• Sep 3, 2021 - 20:01

I have arranged a piece of music-box music (showing as picture1). In most real music boxes, the note which have been played will LAST A LONG TIME (the music box may actually plays as picture2, because of the lacking of dampers), until the sound of the note disappear naturally or the same note being played again.

However, in musescore, it’s too cumbersome to write scores like picture 2 (obviously). MY PROBLEM IS THAT, if I write the score as picture 1 simply, how can I get the sound effect as EXACTLY same as picture 2 (only by adjusting settings and so on)? If this requirement can’t be realized yet, I would be grateful if developers add this function in the future.

Thanks a lot for your reading and reply.

Attachment Size
0.png 195.49 KB
1.png 387.35 KB


P.S. Depress the sustain pedal from start to end should have been a solution. However, after trying, I found that there is still a slight difference between p1 and p2 while using the pedal, especially when carefully comparing the exported files (.mid, .flac., etc.).
Besides, there was a bug (possibly) in the old version. Using the sustain pedal for a long time will cause the pedal's sound effect gradually disappearing. After I updated today, I found that this bug seems to have been fixed.

In reply to by orchis123456

The solution is to find a suitable sound font.
In this (suitable) soundfont, the played notes continue until they fade. Thus: No workaround is required.
This is not like a sustain pedal: pressing the same note again doesn't double the sustain of the same previous note, the previous sustain on the same note is muted and the note starts playing again (other notes are unaffected). So it is more realistic.

However, there are not many free and high quality Music-box soundfonts on the market.
So that you can test it, I've added one for you: a half-real (attack-part), half-imitation (sustain part) soundfont.

It's totally legal, the beginning part is taken from some samples from freesounds. The continuation part is made of sine-waves that I produced myself.

Attachment Size 1.59 MB

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