Possible to anchor Text objects to the bottom of a Frame?

• Sep 4, 2021 - 06:21

MuseScore nicely anchors Lyricist and Composer to the bottom of their parent frame. Increasing the height of the frame causes Lyricist and Composer to move down with the bottom of the frame.

Is there a way to anchor Text objects in the same manner?


UPDATE I see it's more accurate to say that all Frame text objects are anchored to the upper left corner. However on certain objects—such as Lyricist and Composer—a 0,0 offset aligns the bottom edge of those objects to the bottom of the frame, even when the user adjusts the frame. That's the behavior I'm after.


In reply to by Mr Fox


I did read the page you referenced. It mentioned text alignment mentioned only four times, and those were explanations of MuseScore's Frame Margins, which appear to be analogous to HTML padding.

Did I overlook other explanations of text alignment properties on that page?

In a vertical frame just use "Texter" or "Composer" for that. Or "Text" and then change the alignment to match that of either Texter or Composer

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Ah! Thanks Jojo.

I mistakenly thought MuseScore allowed only one composer object!

So when I add a Composer frame text object—via the contextual menu—MuseScore adds a FrameText object with its FrameText>Style = Composer ... and that style that has right-align and bottom-align properties, and likely some other properties too.

I now recognize that the Inspector's FrameText>Style list matches the list in Format>Styles>Text Styles! And sure enough, Composer style shows Right align and Bottom align values in Styles>Text Styles>Edit Text Styles:

     MuseScore TextStyle-Composer.png

There's definitely some disconcerting semantics surrounding the recommended approach, but I see there are User styles that I can edit and rename. (Curious though that the first three User styles (User 1, User 2 and User 3) show the Name properties respectively as: Copyright, Page Number Odd, and Page Number Even.


"Is there a way to anchor Text objects in the same manner?"

  1. Right-click the vertical frame, choose Add > Text. The text cursor is positioned top left by default.
  2. In the Inspector, change the vertical align icon from the default:
    Align top edge of text to reference point
    to your required value:
    Align bottom edge of text to reference point
  3. You may also want to change the horizontal align from Left to Centre.
  4. Text will now grow upwards from the bottom of the frame.

Frame Text aligned centre and bottom.png

In reply to by DanielR

Thanks Daniel!

The settings you've cited are right there in broad daylight! And compared to my solution they work perfectly well,, with less digging around. And they work nicely for the average folk ... with no need to understand, or use, or edit styles. But a level of confusion led me to steer away from them.

I haven't quite thought this through, but I was under the impression that a MuseScore FrameText object exists within some sort of bounding box, such that a right, left, or center alignment would only align text within that box. Sorta like Text Area objects in Adobe Illustrator.

Seems odd that the horizontal alignment controls affect two properties:

   a) the alignment within the the object's bounding box (if there is one)
   b) the alignment of the bounding box (if there is one) within the frame

Please see the example in the attached score.

    Frame Text Alignment.mscz


In reply to by scorster

" Seems odd that the horizontal alignment controls affect two factors:

a) the alignment within the the object's bounding box (if there is one)
b) the alignment of the bounding box (if there is one) within the frame "

I think you are confusing matters with reference to a bounding box, which is not a MuseScore element. To put this simply:
1. The Vertical Frame is the reference point, but it's not a bounding box. Try extending a line of text, and it will grow indefinitely without word wrap. There is no "bounding" to prevent that sideways extension (except a deliberate new line/Enter).
2. This applies whether we are talking about Composer, Lyricist, Title, Subtitle or Text.
3. Your example score didn't include any examples of Align bottom edge of text to reference point, so I have added three extra Text elements in blue type.

In reply to by scorster

It's true that eventually, it might be nice to enhance MuseScore with additional controls for alignment, so one can set alignment relative within frame independently from alignment of the text lines themselves. But for now, that's indeed how it is. Lots of other text formatting improvements would be eventually nice to have as well.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Marc wrote >> It's true that eventually, it might be nice to enhance MuseScore with additional controls for alignment, so one can set alignment relative within frame independently from alignment of the text lines themselves.

Great! Glad to hear that you're thinking in that direction.

Thanks Marc.

Lots of other text formatting improvements would be eventually nice to have as well.

Come on word wrap! (I remember you want that too.)


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