Musescore Playback not working

• Sep 6, 2021 - 00:28

The musescore playback is not working.

-Musescore 3

-Windows 10

-Arctis Game 7 Wireless Headphones.

Already tried to revert to factory settings, reset preferences, reset all midi devices, download a 32 bit version of musescore, reset my computer, and uninstall/reinstall.

Synthesizer, mixer, and the midi toolbar button are greyed out.

Please help.


In reply to by Jm6stringer


  1. Synthesizer is greyed out.
  2. Did not work.
  3. Synthesizer is greyed out.
  4. I have updated my sound drivers, and tried to use a 32 bit version of musescore.
  5. Did not work.
  6. Musescore is not listed there.
  7. I am on Windows.
  8. I am currently doing that.

  9. My devices are already connected.

  10. I/O is completely empty.
  11. Did not work.
  12. No.

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