Crash when copy-pasting on mac

• Nov 26, 2024 - 21:12

Musescore studio 4.4.3
MacOS 15.0.1

All settings on default
not running any FX, only MS basic sounds.

I have been experiencing many crashes since musescore 4 was released. This time, I can't get around a very elemental use on a new score, making the app unusable.

To recreate the crash from the attached score: copy only one of the square-headed 16th-notes from the group of 8, and paste it into the following 1/4-note rest. It should immediately crash.

Unrelated but: The computer asks for permission to access data from other apps EVERY TIME I open Musescore. No other apps do this. It's quite annoying.

Attachment Size
cepillo.mscz 26.25 KB


What instruments are these? I'm trying to re-create this score.
Your score does crash. But it doesn't if I change the 1/4 rest to a 16th rest first. it also doesn't crash if I select the last 16th note and hit "R".
There are some issues with C+P to be sure. I'm trying to figure out some way around them.

In reply to by bobjp

These are "voice" instruments, after changing the amount of staff lines and changing the clef. The other commenter discovered that the crash might have something to do with the fact that I started with the "clave" percussion instrument and then changed to voice through the "replace instrument" option. I just needed an instrument that allowed me to change all the stuff, as I don't need any playback, just a score, and the percussion instrument doesn't allow for changing the noteheads, for some reason.

In reply to by Pedro Errázuriz

I think the problem is that in percussion music in notation software, The type of notehead determines the sound produced. As shown by the drum palette. There is no sound for a square notehead. Odd that the system crashes on C+P of a single square notehead but not if the entire measure is C+P'd. Odd, but not a total surprise.
Is there a particular reason you need a square notehead?

In reply to by bobjp

yes haha, now that you asked: I am notating the position of a toothbrush in the mouth for a very experimental choreography/music theater piece. I actually settled on round (normal) notehead as middle (front teeth), left-facing arrow as left of the mouth and right-facing arrow as right. The two line-staff represent upper mandible, middle (when the teeth are closed and the toothbrush touches both) and lower mandible. So it's like a way of dividing the mouth into a 3x3 coordinate square.

I actually would appreciate a "default" instrument for these sorts of uses, that has no predetermined styles. I know finale had something called "g clef", "f clef" and "percussion clef" for this use.

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