How to reset bar numbers when using page break

• Oct 7, 2021 - 15:55


I want to reset my bar numbers, but need to use a page break for this particular section. I realise the way to achieve a reset on the bar numbers is to use a system break, however I need the page break, and as far as I'm aware you can't use both. I imagine this is a fairly standard procedure, but I've checked the documentation and can't find a solution.

Very grateful in advance for any help with this!



Use a section break.
A system break won't do this (nor a page break).
Or use the new page's first measures properties to 'substract' enough to make it start at 1

To clarify...
You wrote:
I realise the way to achieve a reset on the bar numbers is to use a system break, however I need the page break, and as far as I'm aware you can't use both.

You can use both.
You need the page break, so use it along with the section break. The section break is what resets the bar numbers.

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