Musescores crushes when I add notes every time

• Oct 10, 2021 - 07:12

When I insert notes, after a few seconds the program crushes.
What can I do?
I tried to install version 3.4, and it works perfectly, but it is not so good solution because there are a lot of improvements in the new version (beside the crushing problemo).


We need more information:
a) Which operating system? Windows, Mac or Linux? Which version?
b) Does this crash happen on every score, or just this one score you are working on?
c) Can you please attach the score on this forum thread?
d) Do get any message when opening the score? Like " Your score is corrupt" or "Your score has corruptions"?
e) Why did you install version 3.4? The latest version is 3.6.2, which you can download from this website

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