Trumpet and some other instruments changing volume suddenly in the score.

• Oct 12, 2021 - 05:51

Hi all,

I have a weird problem happening in my score.

In the playback and audio export of the piece, I am hearing some instruments randomly increase their dynamic. It noticeably occurs in m. 13 (in the strings), and m. 38 (Trumpet).

Both occurrences have the dynamic increase to an obscenely high level which I certainly have not written in.
I am using the Musescore General soundfont, which came with the application. Even using other soundfonts, the issue is still audible.

Can anyone explain why this is happening, and how I can fix it?

Included is the .mscz file for my project

Many Thanks in advance :)

P.S. The piece is not finished, so there are a bunch of empty measures at the end. I also named the piece Long Symphony just

Attachment Size
Long_Symphony.mscz 109.55 KB


There is no diamics marking in strings in measure 13 (but there is in Violins 1), neither is there in any of the trupets in measure 38 (Trumpates are p al the way).
But indeed the hairpin in Violons 1 doesn't seem to work.

I hear and see (waveform recording) no increase in volume at all at m13 in the Strings at all, and directly after it are 5 measures of rest..

I do hear and see the increase in m38 for the Trumpet 1 and Trumpet 2 parts. However when I saved just the Trumpet 1 part to an mscx I could not find anything in there to explain that volume increase. Moreover, it seems that the increase itself is gone in that exported part and inaudible.
This lead me to think that there was part cross-contamination going on. And that is indeed the case:
The hidden mf in m38 for the Strings has its range set to "System" instead of the default "Part"; thus influencing the entire score. Likewise the preceding hairpin in m37 is also set to System.

Now for the hairpin of Violins 1.
If you playback the current notation, you'll notice the note starting quiet (piano) and remain as such until the very end of the note, where the mf is applied. The interesting thing is that if you remove that hairpin, the starting note now plays at mf instead of the expected piano marking.
This lead me to believe that once again there is cross part contamination, and the mf marking of a different instrument is overriding your piano marking (the hairpin would then be calculated as increasing from the contaminated mf to the real end mf, a net increase of zero, hence it's not doing anything).
And indeed, yet again the starting mezzoforte marking for the Strings is set to a range of System (thus affecting the whole score) instead of just the default "Part" setting.

So I suggest you right-click (ctrl+click on Mac) that first dynamic for the Strings part and choose "Select all similar elements in staff" and then press the reset arrow button in the Inspector for the dynamic range of them; resetting them all to affecting just the Strings part.

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