How to Move Repeat Sign

• Oct 30, 2021 - 05:41

Hi everyone,

Total newbie here. I tried to enter my first score (copying from an existing version) and finally got everything working except for one thing.

I have two endings and wanted to add a right (end) repeat sign to the final measure of ending 1. I assumed that if I dragged it onto the correct measure that it would be inserted at the end of the measure. However, the program stuck it right in the middle of the measure -- right after the first of three notes in the measure.

So, two questions: Why did it do that? And how can I move it to the right position, or delete it so I can start over? I finally figured out how to select it, but can't seem to do anything with it.

Thanks a lot for any help you can give me.


To improve placement accuracy, click on an existing barline where you want the repeat, then click on the repeat sign in the palette. No need to drag and (mis)drop.

To delete a misplaced repeat sign, click on it, then press Delete.

As for why it did that: Take good notice of what is highlighted when you drop the repeat.
If the full measure is highlighted, it'll be applied to the measure and appear at the end. If a note/chord/rest is highlighted instead, it'll apply as a symbol right after that note/chord/rest.

I believe you have experienced the latter.

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