change barline type for one staff only

• Nov 3, 2021 - 10:26

Dear all,

I've been using Musescore since version 1.2, so I don't know how, but this would be, I think, my very first post in this forum! I'm hoping to be more proactive from this point forward to return to the community.

Is it possible to change the barline style for just one specific barline? That is, I can make one barline invisible, I can change it's span, but when I try to change it's style (to i.e. dotted barline etc.), it changes it for the whole system. Specifically, I'm looking to emulate the New Josquin Edition (see picture below). Is there a way to do this?

Thanks in advance!

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MuseScore 1.2 is antediluvian! 1.3 is the last 1.x, 2.3.2 the last 2.x and 3.6.2 the laste/latest 3.x
Edit: ah, a missunderstanding, using Musescore since version 1.2

In 2.3.2 and in 3.6.2 you can achieve that by holding Ctrl pressed when applying that barline (even if that isn't documented apparently). In 1.3 you cannot.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That works, awesome, thank you very much! I'd like to suggest this be added to the documentation then. ;)

Edit: also, it would be nice to have some kind of visual confirmation based on what keys are being pressed, how the functionality is changed.

Btw. I had to look up "antediluvian", thank you for also helping me improve my English!

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