Musescore Drumline not downloading

• Nov 12, 2021 - 03:19

I have looked at nearly every link possible (about 43 windows open right now) and absolutely nothing has worked. I have been rerouted to nearly hundreds of workarounds and nothing is working. I don't even know where to look anymore, and the same pop up message appears every time, "Unable to download, save and verify the package. Check your internet connection." My connection is fine. What do I even do anymore?


It's a known issue indeed that the timeout is too short for many internet connection, causing MuseScore to give up. So don't try to install directly from the resource manager. Instead download the file directly using your ordinary web browser, same as you'd download any other file from any other website. Then you can drag & drop the file onto MuseScore to install it. Here is the link to download from:

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