Grouping Notes in 6/8 Time

• Nov 12, 2021 - 13:37


I'm working in 6/8 time and want to change the default way notes are grouped so that each measure is two dotted-quarter notes.

The first example is what's happening automatically, the second is what I would like to happen. Have tried messing with time signature properties, but can't figure it out.

How do we do this?


Attachment Size
QuarterEigth.png 22.49 KB
DottedQuarter.png 22.32 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Also, if it happens to be that the quarter rests you're wanting to be augmented are all on the first beat (the first quarter rest of measures) but you have other quarter-rests elsewhere that don't need augmentation-dotting, you can also tick "Same Beat" within that dialog-box JJS mentioned to be more specific after enabling "Same Duration".

In reply to by jeetee

Unfortunately quarter note rests occur in different places and adding a dot to all of them, or even all of them on the same beat won't work. Sometimes they're followed by a 16th note rest, and then a 16th note that would be lost.

Thanks for the advice, will try to find them all and change manually.

The beaming properties do not (yet) translate in rest groupings.

The easiest way is to write a measure with two dotted quarter rests, select it and press and hold 'R' to replicate it throughout the score.

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