Importing Linked Staves from Guitar Pro

• Nov 24, 2021 - 14:27

I am assessing if I can move my music from Guitar Pro to Musescore, as MS is a much better music engraving program to edit and create scores. When I save a GP file as MUSICXml, then open it in Musescore, it does a good job of accurately representing the music notation including voices and tab fingering. However, the standard notation and tablature staves open as "unlinked", so changes in one are not reflected on the other staff. Is there an easy way to link the two existing staves without some complicated or labor intensive actions to recreate this? This seems to be a big barrier to moving my Guitar Pro files over to Musecore.



"When I save a GP file as MUSICXml, then open it in Musescore"

And why do you export your GP files as MusicXML?
Save your files .gp (GP7) or .gpx formats (GP6), etc. and MuseScore will open these files directly.

EDIT: and by opening the .gp file, you will get a standard staff as main score, and a standard staff linked to a TAB staff in the part. Then it's up to you to decide what you want to keep or change (keep/save only the part for example?)

In reply to by cadiz1

Okay, interesting. When I do this, I see the two staves in MS and they appear to be linked, so that is good although they do not appear in the instrument panel FWIW. However, this creates another new and messy issue when opening the GP file. The tablature fingering does not replicate from the original GP file on the correct strings throughout the score. While this could be fixed, it will take a serious amount of editing/fixing to correct the tab. Unfortunately, I only read tab and use standard notation for other score information.

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Forgetting about linked staves for a moment, is there a way you can get a TAB staff showing the correct fret/strings from GP into MuseScore?
You can start from this (single) correct TAB stave and then add a linked treble staff to it.

Starting from a treble staff and then adding a linked TAB staff always gives 'lowest fret' numbers for notes which often is not desirable. Starting from a "correct" TAB staff and then adding a linked standard staff won't affect the fret/string fingering data of the TAB.

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Earlier you wrote:
When I save a GP file as MUSICXml, then open it in Musescore, it does a good job of accurately representing the music notation including voices and tab fingering.

If the MUSICXml, when opened in MuseScore, "accurately represents the tab fingering", use that. Then, open menu item: Edit -> Instruments... delete any "unlinked" notation staff (keeping the accurate TAB staff) then add a 'linked' notation staff.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

One last finding. In Guitar Pro, if I save the file as .gpx instead of .gp then open it in MuseScore, the file opens with linked staves and correct tab fret/string numbers. In conclusion, GPX files open accurately in MuseScore, and gp and MUSICXml files open but with varying degrees of issues, so pick your poison. Hopefully, gp files will open in the future without defaulting to the lowest fret number.

I guess the concept of linked staves is unknown im MusicXML, @lvinken

Edit: it seems MusicXML does allow for linked staves, but I don't know whether MuseScore has that implemented

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

"The tablature fingering does not replicate from the original GP file on the correct strings throughout the score"
I haven't checked, but it's quite possible. Can you share a .gp file with this behaviour? I could test with GP7 (and MuseScore)
Be aware, however, that inevitably or very frequently in importing files, there is some editing to be done, whatever it may be.

In reply to by cadiz1

Okay, I found a pretty elegant work around. Opening a GP file creates a mess of the tab fingering that involves too much editing. Alternatively, when you open a MUSICxml file, even though it results in unlinked standard and tab notation, I simply added another standard notation linked staff from the tablature staff then deleted the original standard notation staff. The two staves seem to stay linked, and notes and fingering are accurate. Sometimes just talking through an issue inspires a solution. Thank you!

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