Musescore crashes when trying to open a specific score

• Nov 26, 2021 - 19:35


I'm having some issues while trying to open that score. Since today, everytime I try to open it, musescore crashes instantly (it used to open perfectly fine for some months). I'm on 3.6.2 (Mac OS big sur 11.6) and tried to downgrade to 3.6.1 but the same problem occurs. Also tried to reset to factory settings, but it was unsuccessfull too. Any other score works fine and open without any issue.

Also tried to search on the forums but I couldn't find something recent and similar.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem ? (and found a solution hopefully ?)

That specific score is attached below, with a screenshot of the crash report.


Attachment Size
Les_Misérables V2 en page.mscz 645.58 KB
crash report.png 1.08 MB


Confirmed, even in a later 3.x development build. stack trace:

1 QListData::isEmpty qlist.h 116 0x1096d4f
2 QList::isEmpty qlist.h 201 0x107b7b8
3 Ms::LinkedElements::mainElement scoreElement.cpp 649 0xb90d0a
4 Ms::Element::readProperties element.cpp 724 0x99aebe
5 Ms::LayoutBreak::read layoutbreak.cpp 95 0x9e54a0
6 Ms::MeasureBase::readProperties measurebase.cpp 584 0xa1767c
7 Ms::Measure::read measure.cpp 2125 0xa23411
8 Ms::Score::readStaff scorefile.cpp 316 0xb4787e
9 Ms::Score::read read302.cpp 60 0xbc59c0
10 Ms::Score::read read302.cpp 198 0xbc6ac2
11 Ms::MasterScore::read read302.cpp 368 0xbc796a
12 Ms::MasterScore::read302 read302.cpp 420 0xbc7c7f
13 Ms::MasterScore::read1 scorefile.cpp 1043 0xb4c0a7
14 Ms::MasterScore::loadCompressedMsc scorefile.cpp 859 0xb4afbe
15 Ms::MasterScore::loadMsc scorefile.cpp 946 0xb4b678
16 Ms::MasterScore::loadMsc scorefile.cpp 937 0xb4b4dd
17 Ms::::operator()(Ms::MasterScore *, const QString &, bool, bool) const file.cpp 2328 0x4cc185
18 Ms::readScore file.cpp 2336 0x4cc435
19 Ms::MuseScore::readScore file.cpp 474 0x4bce8c
20 Ms::MuseScore::openScore file.cpp 416 0x4bc94c
21 Ms::MuseScore::doLoadFiles file.cpp 349 0x4bc093
22 Ms::MuseScore::openFiles file.cpp 314 0x4bbcdc
23 Ms::MuseScore::cmd musescore.cpp 6252 0x43184b
24 Ms::MuseScore::cmd musescore.cpp 6044 0x43077a
25 Ms::MuseScore::qt_static_metacall moc_musescore.cpp 610 0x5eedfd
26 void doActivate(QObject *, int, void * *) 0x68b978bb
27 QActionGroupPrivate::_q_actionTriggered() 0x32714cc2
28 QActionGroup::qt_static_metacall(QObject *, QMetaObject::Call, int, void * *) 0x32715299
29 void doActivate(QObject *, int, void * *) 0x68b978bb
30 QAction::activate(QAction::ActionEvent) 0x32713df3
31 QAbstractButtonPrivate::click() 0x327f5ffb
32 QAbstractButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) 0x327f61d1
33 QToolButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) 0x328cb7fe
34 QWidget::event(QEvent *) 0x32753d78
35 QToolButton::event(QEvent *) 0x328cb893
36 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x3271790e
37 QApplication::notify(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x3271f1ea
38 QCoreApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x68a65f78
39 QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(QWidget *, QMouseEvent *, QWidget *, QWidget *, QWidget * *, QPointer&, bool, bool) 0x3271d83b
40 QWidgetWindow::handleMouseEvent(QMouseEvent *) 0x32769962
41 QWidgetWindow::event(QEvent *) 0x3276cc06
42 QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x3271790e
43 QApplication::notify(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x3271e3e3
44 QCoreApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent(QObject *, QEvent *) 0x68a65f78
45 QGuiApplicationPrivate::processMouseEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::MouseEvent *) 0x6197a0a4
46 QGuiApplicationPrivate::processWindowSystemEvent(QWindowSystemInterfacePrivate::WindowSystemEvent *) 0x6197b3d5
47 QWindowSystemInterface::sendWindowSystemEvents(QFlags) 0x6195722d
48 QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents(QFlags) 0x68abc0b0
49 QWindowsGuiEventDispatcher::processEvents(QFlags) 0x6a903755
50 QEventLoop::exec(QFlags) 0x68a64405
51 QCoreApplication::exec() 0x68a6d765
52 Ms::runApplication musescore.cpp 7941 0x4415cc
53 main main.cpp 95 0x4017fc

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