slurs not working
I'm transcribing a short piece that has a few slurs and for some reason they are not working. Instead of slurring the two notes are playing individually. I've used slurs before and they worked fine. I went back to my old work to make sure they worked. Can anyone help me with this issues? I must be doing something wrong. Maybe in the play back. I don't know. Any help would be very much appreciated.
You wrote:
...the two notes are playing individually.
You may want to use ties, not slurs.
In reply to You wrote: ...the two notes… by Jm6stringer
thank you very much for the help. My mistake
In reply to You wrote: ...the two notes… by Jm6stringer
True, Musescore plays ties between like notes correctly, in that all tied notes are played as one note of appropriate duration but, when I use slurs across different notes they are not played legato (I think that is the term). Each note is played individually. Is that how it works (or doesn't work) in Musescore? (I'm a newbie with using Musescore). Thanks
In reply to True, Musescore plays ties… by htpreston
You don't what instrument you are writing for, but for instruments like winds where slurring is truly a different technique than tonguing, it's true that won't currently happen in the playback. Similarly for strings, where slurs could potentially indicate something about bowing - MuseScore doesn't currently support this in playback.
For instruments like piano, however, slurring doesn't really mean anything in particular. It's more of a "conceptual" indication to tell you about the phrase structure of the piece. The default - both for human pianists and for MuseScore - is to always play legato anyhow. MuseScore does do a very very subtle difference in the degree of legato depending on the presence of a slur.
In reply to You don't what instrument… by Marc Sabatella
slurs for piano in musescore don't play AT ALL it doesn't even play pedal which is really annoying lol.
In reply to slurs for piano in musescore… by GirlWithHerViolin
Pedal most certainly plays. Slurs don’t really have a specific meaning for piano the way they do for winds and strings; there is nothing specific a slur tells a pianist other than a general sense that “these notes go together to form a phrase”.
In reply to Pedal most certainly plays. … by Marc Sabatella
There is a subtle effect though, increasing the note duration (
) from 95% to 100% of the nominal duration.For Piano and Flute. At least in Mu3. There was a sample MP3 recently in another thread demosnstarting that