Automatically link chord symbols and rhythmic slash notation

• Dec 15, 2021 - 23:05

Hello, as far as I can tell this isn't a supported or discussed feature yet, but if it is please let me know and I'll remove the suggestion!

Currently, when you add chord symbols, it can playback that chord for the duration the symbol is in effect (measure, until next symbol, etc.). If you want to add rhythm to it, you have to copy the chord symbol to each note/slash in the rhythm you want the chord to be played. This gets very messy and cumbersome for busy rhythmic parts, like quickly strummed guitar for example.

I'd like to be able to have slashes and chord symbols automatically link to each other once you've entered both (and maybe with the option to toggle this on/off). Something like the following:

  1. Add a chord symbol at the beginning of a measure
  2. Enter the rhythm on any note
  3. Toggle the measure to rhythmic slash notation
  4. MuseScore would then automatically play the chord symbol in the rhythm of the slashes

And something similar starting with the slashes and entering the chord symbol(s) last. Even better if the rhythm is played back on the actual part with the slashes rather than the "accompaniment" instrument it uses currently.

Please let me know what you think! Thanks.

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