Official Dark Mode in MuseScore

• Dec 16, 2021 - 15:08

I really want future versions of MuseScore to have an official Dark Mode, by which I mean the background (or “paper,” I guess) to be black and the title & subtitle of the piece, composer & lyricist names, staffs, notes, etc. to be white. I mainly want this so that when I’m working on a score in MuseScore or watching a video of it on YouTube that I upload, the screen I’m staring at isn’t blasting out nearly as much light, blinding me (and possibly other viewers) in the process. But I don’t want the progress bar when playing the piece to change colour unless manually requested by the user, so to speak. Anyone else feel this should be added to a future update ASAP? I can’t be the only 1.

The picture I posted along with this post is an example of what I want (I took a screenshot of it from Google Images and ran it through an online image colour inverter)

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