cannot read file

• Dec 24, 2021 - 12:24

Hi, I was working on the score attached and saved it when I closed it.
But now the file will not open and I cannot see the score anymore.
Could anyone have a look please and give me some advice on how to restore/open?
That would be wonderful - I spent he entire day on it.
Really appreciate any help.

Attachment Size
Waltz.mscz 165 bytes


Way to small a file to have a valid MuseScore content. The smallest possible score (one staff, one measure, no notes nor title) has 3kb already

Do you remember anything unusual prior to, or even when performing, the saving/closing?
Had MuseScore become sluggish? Maybe quit unexpectedly earlier and you re-opened then sometime later saved?
Had you generated many parts?
Was there an image included in your score?

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