How to flip piano hands

• Jan 4, 2022 - 19:08

I've arranged a song for solo piano, but I have since discovered I like the melody up two octaves (I wrote it in the left hand, with right hand being supporting harmony and rhythm). Is there an easy way just to flip flop the two hands and pop the melody up 2 octaves?


There is no single command that does exactly that particular sequence of operations, but certainly each of the steps involved is done easily enough. To transpose the content of bottom staff up two octaves, select it and hit Ctrl+Up twice. To exchange it with the the top staff, Ctrl+C to copy, then select the contents of the top staff, Ctrl+Shift+X to swap, then reselect the bottom staff and Ctrl+Shift+X again (or Ctrl+V to paste, won't matter).

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