synchronization Musescore with GarageBand / Logic Pro X

• Jan 8, 2022 - 09:05


I want to synchronize sheet music in Musescore (3) with corresponding Midi File in GarageBand / Logic Pro X.

Which steps do I have to consider?

Please for your support, thank you.




I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "synchronize" here - perhaps you mean, hit the play button in MuseScore and have the score display, but have the playback itself be handled by another program? That sort of thing is normally handled by JACK (another free / open source program you can install). But, I'm not sure how that really fits in with the idea of a "corresponding MIDI file" - it's more geared for live playback using the synthesizer, not somehow associated the notes in your score with existing MIDI events in a file. I'm not seeing how that could be technically possible.

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