How to handle v4.x-dev issues in vs GitHub issue trackers

• Jan 11, 2022 - 18:18

We have an issue logged against 4.x-dev / master on .org , #328116: (Known issue on GitHub) Fermata playback broken in 4.x nightly build.

I found the matching GitHub issue, [Inspector] Time options for Fermata marks do not work #9283

1) Status of the .org issue: Should one
a) keep the .org issue open until fixed or
b) close it as a duplicate, link to the GitHub issue?
I assume for non-developer community members, the issue tracker may have more visibility, whereas developers tend to focus more on GitHub. However one would also want to avoid the dual-entry / double work for keeping track of the same issue in different place (the argument for (b))

2) If we decide to keep the .org issue open, I tried to indicate in the issue title that this is a known issue on the .org issue title, link from the .org to the GitHub issue. can anyone think of a better / different way to indicate it as such?

3) Someone mentioned on one of the Discord channels their idea of how bug against v3 (in .org) vs v4 / master should be reported, but neither nor make any mention any of that. I would like to start expanding these to include that logic/convention (anyone else is obvously welcome to jump in).


For now, until an official release is made (including Alpha/Beta releases) all tracking should happen in the "developer space" only, which is github.
People using current nightlies should understand they are using something not supported.

1) option B, close it as a duplicate and link to the github issue
2) see 1 ;-)
3) For now the consensus is that the handbook deals with released software, for which the process indeed is to log into the .org issue tracker.

If this is process will change in the future, I expect a clear and official post for it which is either an announcement by someone from the internal team (such as Peter) or by having those handbook pages updated.

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