Non functioning volta (1st ending)

• Jan 30, 2022 - 02:38

There's a tune called Keel in the Brine in [my .com guitar finger-picking set].(

For some reason the first ending won't play.

Can anyone figure out why?




In reply to by scorster

BTW, the provenance of this score was an Encore file from 2010.

This may be significant as sometimes I've noticed odd behaviors with repeats and voltas when I export form Encore (or Overture) to MusicXML and import to MuseScore. But I can usually clear that up by deleting repeats and voltas and replacing them or by pasting the notes to a new measure and deleting the old measure and THEN adding the repeats and volta. None of those magical incantations worked this time.

For anyone interested, here is the XML I imported:

Keel in the Brine Fpk GTB*.xml


In reply to by scorster

Given that the original score is now replaced with your working example I only have this xml to start from. And upon importing it indeed the first volta in m16 is skipped.

The reason is that the playbackCount is compared against the associated start repeat, which in this case is the start of the score. However, you've already hit the end repeat at m8, bumping up the playback counter to 2 when it reaches that first volta.

See the attached import in which the repeatlists for the voltas have been adjusted by increasing them by 1 to account for the end repeat of m8.
This is one of those cases where the 1. instruction is fairly clear for a human, as it is the first time playing that specific measure; but breaks under the literal interpretation required by a computer.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The intent, which I should have expressed, was to return to the beginning of the piece and then hit the second ending ... but your idea of a right facing repeat at the start of line 3 was a good guess (and would work if that were the goal.)

> The score's 1st page has two end repeat barlines, but no start repeat barline, esp. not for the 2nd repeat

Originally I had a D.C. al Fine in the 1st ending, but that didn't work. So I added the repeat and removed the D.C. expecting the repeat to operate like the second repeat on Page 2. When that failed I figured maybe the second repeat on page 2 repeat worked as intended only because it saw a right facing repeat at the beginning of the first line. So I added a right facing repeat to the beginning of the score. Still no luck.

Thanks for looking into this!


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Jojo wrote> The start repeat at the start of score is implicit, adding it doesn't change anything

Right. That's what I thought. And if so, the second repeat sign on Page 1should work like the second repeat sign on page 2, but without the need for an explicit start repeat (right facing repeat) and the start of the score.

And I still don't understand why D.C. in the 1st ending fails ...


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Ah! Now that the navigation works as I had specified I realized that the requested navigation was a red herring. Apologies, sorry to have put you through that. No ending required. Just a repeat! And it's up on now working properly.

Two additional points:

a) Your input helped me figure out the needed change

b) I still don't understand why MuseScore wouldn't play the navigation with the structures I provided. Had it done so that would have afforded me the insight that you did!

Thanks so much!


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Right, but it the 2nd ending repeat fail even when I added an explicit start repeat at the beginning of the tune.

Even though I don't understand that failure, alls good with the tune. It's done and I won't have to think about this scenario again, until it comes up.

One again, thank you for seeing this through to the end goal of a functioning score!


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Jojo wrote > As said: a start repeat at the 1st measure would only match the 1st end repeat, not the 2nd

Again, that definition differs from the behavior on Page 2.

There the repeats are like this:

      [ ] ]

and it works as intended:

    • The first four measures play twice.
    • Then Measure 5
    • The first four measures play twice
    • Then Measure 5

That structure is parallel to my intent on page 1, but the Page 1 repeat structure fail even with an explicit start repeat.

If I'm missing something it looks like I'm not going to comprehend it today. Sorry!


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