Disable keyboard velocity on playback (non-note-entry)

• Feb 1, 2022 - 07:29

My keyboard (Novation Launchkey Mini Mk 3) has a "disable velocity" setting in its firmware. This works great when entering notes into the staff, but when hitting the keys on the keyboard /outside/ of note entry, MuseScore still picks up on the velocity with which I'm pressing the keys when playing sounds.

How do I tell MuseScore to ignore the velocity with which I'm hitting the keys altogether?

For an example use-case of this, I hit the notes outside of note playback to tell what I need to enter next, and it's extremely grating to have the sounds MuseScore produces reflect how hard I'm hitting the keys in this context


Does the feature on your keyboard not work for MIDI out? I'd expect it to - so that regardless of how hard you press a key, it should only send a constant velocity (eg, 80). if it doesn't, that sounds like a limitation of the keyboard to report to the manufacturer. But that's where I'd expect to find such an option - on the sending device, not the receiving.

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