Change distance between systems

• Feb 1, 2022 - 23:54

I've read several threads, with supposed answers on changing the min/max distance. Each answer has links but following those links there really is no answer to how to do this. I understand that Musescore wants to maximize the page and equidistance the systems. But this just is not satifactory especially for scores with a) a single instrument and b) only a few systems. having them spread out makes it impossible to see on a screen.

I am uploaded both a score, as well as a pdf which I manipulated to move the systems closer together. I am sure this should be possible with Musescore. And changing the Scaling/Staff space is wrong as that makes the entire staff/system smaller.

Any help or insight much appreciated.

Attachment Size
Azizes_Taxim.pdf 49.73 KB
Azizes_Taxim.mscz 12.12 KB


You wrote:
I understand that Musescore wants to maximize the page and equidistance the systems.

If you want more whitespace at the bottom of the page, you can use a staff spacer from the 'Breaks & Spacers' palette. This can be used to move staves closer than autoplacement would normally allow.
Here's your score with a spacer:

Another way is to use menu item: Format > Style > Page and click 'Disable vertical justification of staves'.
(This will affect all the pages of a multi-page score.)

For scores with just a single staff, you don't need the "vertical justification" feature in Format / Style / Page. That's effective for spreading staves within a system, but it just complications things for single-staff scores. So, first turn that off. Now you have just two relevant settings - the min and the max system distance. Reduce the max as desired. You should be able to get the exact spacing you desire just with those two settings.

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