4 spotlight tunes only

• Feb 2, 2022 - 19:46

I can only spotlight 4 tunes at a time instead of the advertised 5 tunes for pro members.
Is this a bug or just a rip off?


In reply to by josephpugh

You contacted the support staff at musescore.com directly by email, and after attempting to fix this, they gave up and said it could be done? That doesn't sound right. But, if the people who actually support and run that website can't fix it, certainly we volunteers here can't. We generally don't have any special insight into or control over that website at all - we really only know the MuseScore software itself, not the internals of that website. I'd simply make sure you've communicated the problem sufficiently well in to the support team in your emails to them - they are often not native English speakers and may not have understood the problem.

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