Banjo Tablature

• Feb 4, 2022 - 10:55

Still looking for slides and hammer-on in the notation for Banjo tabs. Gliss doesn't seem to get it, especially on playback. Some other notation software show the "sl" and "H" and fingering in the tab.

Attachment Size
I'll Fly Away.mscz 20.48 KB


Doit, Scoop and Plop indeed don't play back currently. May change with MuseScore 4
Slides (Glissandos, Portamento style) though do, you score though doesn't have any.

Check the attached

Attachment Size
I'll Fly Away.mscz 20.13 KB

With respect to notation, slide and hammer-on can use the slur, although "sl" and "H" would be nice to have available additionally as attached text.

Regarding playback, you can use the portamento glissando for slides, as already mentioned. For pull offs and hammer ons, you can try using bends and customize their playback in the Inspector.

Have a listen:
I'll Fly Away2.mscz
To see what actually plays (e.g., gliss, bend), go to Edit > Insruments... and put a check in the 'Visible' box for the second banjo. This staff is what actually plays, as the TAB banjo notes are marked in the Inspector to not play.
(I could have used your TAB staff and marked my tweaks invisible, but I used yours only as a guide so I wouldn't accidentally mess it up.)

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