multiple voice and single voice possible in the same measure?

• Feb 6, 2022 - 02:23

Just wondering if it's possible to have single voice in the first three beats of a 4/4 measure (in the viola line of a string quartet arrangement) and then switch to multiple voices in the last beat? I just tried it there, but after I enter the notes for voice 1 in the last beat, and then click on voice 2 in the top right hand of the program window, it goes back to the first beat of the measure in question, and I don't see how I can move it from there to the final fourth beat of the measure. Will it only let me notate the measure in either multiple or single voice - i.e. do I have to input rests in voice 2 until the final beat?


In reply to by ajmu

You won't be able to select them and then add press Ctrl+T to add text at that location, for example, Granted, thaty's not all that likely to be an issue. But the way it messes up cursor motion is - deleting a rest leaves a hole that the cursor then jumps over. So good look later on changing yout mind and entering a note in that time
slot. it's possible only if you jump through some hoops to recover the rest again, That's why I too recommend hiding as opposed to deleting rests.

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