Input chords in Re-pitch mode seems broken

• Feb 7, 2022 - 07:54

Or is it a feature? When entering a chord from the midi keyboard in Re-pitch mode, the selection doesn't automatically go to the next note as when entering a single note, but to the next symbol, which can be a note or a rest. If it is a rest, typing a new chord on the keyboard doesn't enter anything but the selection goes to the next symbol. So if you have a note, a rest, and a note, the solution is to type the first chord and then type the second chord twice, once to go over the rest and once to actually input the second chord to replace the second note. The main drawback is that you have to look at the screen to know where you are. Is this a bug or a feature? (And if it is a feature, what is the intent?)


In reply to by bobjp

I understood it's common practice to first enter Rhythm node input mode and then enter the pitches using Re-pitch mode. I am new to MuseScore, but I have read that this was the most efficient way. I tried it, and it is really very efficient. I copy Big Band scores (from old paper scores) and I have been able to reduce the time from 3 days for a score with Finale to a single day with MuseScore. (By the way, everything is much easier and faster with MuseScore). Unfortunately, it doesn't work for chords, and it looks like a bug.

If you know a better way to enter chords (meaning a faster way to copy from paper), I would be interested (playing in real-time is not good for me because I am not good enough at the piano).

In reply to by Brer Fox

Creating a chord is faster with a midi keyboard. What is tedious is to switch from keyboard to midi keyboard, but I might be able to map the lowest midi notes to durations and common commands like +, ctrl-3, s, shift-s, shift-v, shift-n and shift-o, which are the most commonly needed in Big Band scores.

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