Abbreviation for "Euphonium"?

• Feb 8, 2022 - 03:09

Using MuseScore 3.6.2, when I create a score with a euphonium — either "Euphonium" or "Euphonium (Treble Clef)" — the default abbreviation is "Euph. Bu.". Looks like the abbreviation for "Euphonium Bugle" is being applied incorrectly? The conventional abbreviation for "Euphonium" is simply "Euph".
Not a big deal, as the abbreviation can be changed manually in each score after creation, but if it's an easy fix, it'd be nice for the correct abbreviation to show — unless it's something on my end…? Thanks.


I get "Euph." for the short name when I add either "Euphonium" or "Euphonium (Treble Clef)" from Edit > Instruments.
Are you perhaps using a template which has that "Euph. Bu." abbreviation locked in so that it must be changed each time you use it?

Using the en_UK locale, the British English translation? There was an error, I've just corrected it, update translation (in like 30 minutes) and it'll be fixed

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