Two instruments-place repeats at different bars

• Feb 8, 2022 - 14:12

The score has two instruments, each with 11 bars. I want the first instrument to repeat from bar 8 back to bar 1. The second instrument has 11 bars. I want the second instrument to repeat from bar 11 back to bar 4. If I add a repeat sign to bar 8 for instrument 1, MuseScore also puts a repeat sign for instrument 2. Is there any way to have instrument 2 repeat from a different place than bar 1.

Attachment Size
Go_Go_Stop.mscz 11.51 KB


Looks like you are attempting to notate a repeating canon (a "round").
Repeats can be used, but must be placed in the same measure for all instruments so that all are at measure 1, then measure 2, then measure 3, then measure 4, etc. This way if someone says: "OK everybody, let's start from measure 20 and play to measure 40" all will be synchronized to the same place, same measure.
Round Canon 3 voice.mscz
This has 3 parts, but you can delete the bottom staff to make 2 parts.

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