Lost original score when saving as midi

• Feb 10, 2022 - 22:20

I was working on a score, which was saved as a distinct file. I exported as midi, and the original .mscz file was lost. I tried to save the midi as a .mscz file to go backwards, but obviously it lost all of the lyrics and dynamics and other system text. Super stressful.


MuseScore never ever deletes you scores. If you saved the file, then it is still there on your computer in precisely the same folder you saved it to. If you don't remember which folder you saved it to, try creating a new score, then saving that, and this time pay attention to the folder offered by default - it will be the same as the folder you select to save to last. You can also try using the search facility that came with your computer to search the entire drive to files ending in ".mscz"

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