Loggin on and access to scores

• Feb 12, 2022 - 18:47

Every time i come to the site and try to access anything i get a consent form that pops up. When i press the 'got it, thanks' button nothing happens and i am locked out of the site - this happens whether i am logged in or not. I have had similar problem with other sites (ultimate guitar) and that has been resolved but not your site. You are driving many like me away from your site and i have been with Musescore for near on ten years. I hope you can resolve this issue soon or you will lose people


Seems like you managed to post this message just fine, so does that mean you figured out the problem? If not, could you describe it in more detail? Do be sure you really are talking about this site - musescore.org. There are not any consent forms that I am aware of here. I am guessing you might actually be talking about the score-sharing website musescore.com. In which case,e when you do write up your more detailed explanation, be sure to post it over there on that site; there's nothing anyone here on this one can do about issues with that other site.

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