Tablature cant edit with numbers anymore!?

• Feb 14, 2022 - 19:09

Hello. Sorry if this is a newbie question but i downloaded the free version last night and added some notes for guitar tablature (in numbers) and worked great; this morning i opened the sheet i had going and I can only enter notes?? what did I do? i looked around and some said to look in preferences and 'edit strings' but that didn't do anything... ? (The only difference is that im using a USB docking port for my laptop... could it be that??) I was so excited to use the software today and im doing one of my least favorite activities: troubleshooting :(
Any ideas what I need to do? Thanks!!


There is no non-free version.

Whether or not you can enter notes for guitar (and in tablature) depends on the instrument and staff type.
And no, the USB dockinbg has got nothing to do with this.

Check the handbook...

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The instrument is a guitar, I have tried classic, acoustic, solo and in a rock band. Today I created a new spreadsheet and it's just a TAB for guitar.. the most basic form for tablature for guitar (I think or that or that I can find)... I checked the handbook, it doesn't say much about this hence my post... when I enter a number with the keyboard, it just choses a note, and depending on the number, it uses a different 'note lenght'... this was working just right last night... it makes no sense it changed unless is reading my docking station as a midi controller or something... the 'Piano Keyboard' works and is adding number... just not the 'Note input'

In reply to by pavlo0001

There is a difference between using the numbers on the number pad (with number lock on), and those on the line above the letters. Use the number pad for the note durations, and the top row of the keyboard for the tab numbers, using Note-entry mode. I suspect you have been using the wrong number keys. I've been making tabs for 2-3 years and I still get it wrong sometimes!

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