Batch convert and sort parts to folders

• Feb 14, 2022 - 22:10

A feature request for the batch convert plugin.

I'm writing a chamber opera with about 20 songs. All songs have the same ensemble/instruments. It would be time saving if one could sort all the parts automatically into different folders based on part name, so that e.g. all the cello parts would go into a "Cello folder". Alternatively I would like to have all parts for one instruments merged into one pdf.


As I told you via PM:

That’d probably be doable to create and export to a folder who’s name is based on the partname.
Be my guest in trying to implement it 😉 (I do accept PRs for that plugin).

Another option would be to have all 20 songs of that opera being sections (AKA movements) of the same score, then there would be only one single score and only one part each.
Unfortunately the Album feature doesn’t exist in MuseScore 3, so you can’t join them easily

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