Beat 1 and 2 is stressed in 3/4, also seems to be randomly unaffected by panning

• Feb 16, 2022 - 03:46

I have a piece in 3/4, I have notated the notes in the block chords on the left hand of my piano part. The right hand is totally fine. On the left hand, Beat 1 and 3 are super loud and don't consider the dynamics I have written, while beat two does follow the dynamics, except once where beat 1 does follow dynamics, and once where beat 3 does follow dynamics. What is also strange is when I pan the piano part all the way right, the right hand and beat two on the left hand will pan, but beats 1 and 3 in the left hand wont and stay center. Why is this happening? How do I change it? It's so weird.
Thank you in advance!


Two issues here: first, the dynamic ranges for the mp and pp dynamic markings on each of the piano staves are set to Part, which means they'll try to affect both staves. You want them set to Staff, so that the mp only affects the top staff, and the pp only affects the bottom staff. The main issue here actually has nothing to do with the piano: you have chord symbols attached to beats 1 and 3, and MuseScore's default playback sound for chord symbols is the Piano sound. If you want to disable chord symbol playback entirely, you can click the arrow next to the Tenor part in the mixer and mute the "T. - harmony" track. In that same place, you could also change the sound to any other instrument you want, if you still want to hear the chord symbols.

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